An enormity of pain

On November 17th, the funeral of 26 women who were found lifeless on November 5th was marked by an inter-faith ceremony in Salerno. This was a “tragedy for our humanity”,…

Festival della Migrazione, Modena, Italy

On Saturday October 21st , I was invited to the Festival della Migrazione held in Modena and participated in a panel exploring migration at sea. The discussion was moderated by…

The courage and the joy to look into children’s eyes

Between 3rd - 6th October, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome hosted a world congress on “Child Dignity in Digital World”, leading to a declaration which makes an overview of…

Rohingya people: stateless and without a future?

According to the Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954, a stateless person is “a person who is not considered as a national by any State under…

Read more about the article Caroline: a story of trafficking and mercy
Caroline a 19 year old student from Delta State, Nigeria. She was duped into following a man she knew to Agadiz, Niger after he told her she could get work there and study to be a nurrse. She was sold by him along with 30 others. She said many of the girls were sold into a 'Connection House' ( brothel). She was then taken to Sebha, Libya and held in a camp with 150 others. Her sister paid the 600 Dinar ransom and she was released and was able to reach Tripoli, where a NIgerian woman then took her to Sabrata. She said she missed her grandmother who she had lived with, missed her friend sand going to parties and singing. She said she loved to cook with her grandmother, especially fufu a Nigerian staple.

Caroline: a story of trafficking and mercy

On July 20th IOM released a report exploring human trafficking along the Central Mediterranean route, with a special focus on women and girls who often travel alone from Nigeria and…